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The Economic Development Commission held a regular meeting on Tuesday, November 16, 2010 in Conference Room #3 at the Municipal Center, 3 Primrose Street in Newtown.  

Present:  Ted Kreinik (Chair), Donald Sharpe, Joseph Humeston, Robert Morey, Margaret Oliger, Joe Tarshis, Tom Murtha and Wes Thompson Absent: Gino Scarangella
Also Present: Elizabeth Stocker, Director of Economic and Community Development; Robert Rau, Consultant; Dan Holmes, Chairman, Sustainable Energy Commission; Michael Mount and Frank Middleton, Opel Solar

Chairman Kreinik called the meeting to order at 7:02 pm.

Acceptance of Minutes: Mr. Sharpe moved to approve the minutes of  the  meeting of October 19, 2010.  Motion seconded.  Unanimously carried.

Pubic Participation: Michael Mount and Frank Middleton of Opel Solar spoke to the Commission on grants available for solar photovoltaics from the state and federal governments.  The grants are awarded by the Connecticut Clean Energy Fund.  There is up to $850,000 potentially available.  One grant is available through the Onsite Renewable Distributed Generation Program at $750,000 per project.  This is a competitive grant with an application due date of February 28, 2011 with grants being awarded in April 2011.  The second grant is under the American Recovery & Reinvestment Act Program at $850,000 per project.  This grant is awarded on a rolling basis.  Opel Solar is recommending the land adjacent to the Waste Water Treatment Facility as a proposed site for the plan.  The plan requires 1 ¼ acre.  After a discussion, the Commission recommended that Mr. Mount and Mr. Middleton pursue their proposal by contacting the Water and Sewer Authority.  


Director of Economic and Community Development – Ms. Stocker was not present.   Her report (attached) was distributed and reviewed.

Subcommittee Reports

Maximization of Sites for Economic Development – Mr. Thompson would like to receive the raw data from the survey.  Mr. Sharpe does not believe that it is available due to the anonymity of the survey responses.  Mr. Thompson will contact Scott Brier to see if it is possible to obtain it.
Business Advocacy/Retention – Mr. Sharpe reported that the survey drew more than 150 responses from more than a dozen industries.  This enables a high confidence in the rating results.  He reviewed a draft summary with some of the major findings.  Ms. Oliger added that there will be a “hit list” of things to work on.  Respondents should be invited for discussions.  Mr. Sharpe said reports from “WriteDesign’s direct interviews and a comparison with the EDC’s prior SWOT analysis have not been completed yet.  The survey report will be received on November 30th.  The Commissioners will receive the report for review before it is submitted.  An implementation plan will be discussed at the December meeting.  The Selectmen would like an action plan with the report when it is presented in January.   

Evaluate /Upgrade EDC Marketing Aids/Social Media – No report

Development of Tech Park – Mr. Rau reported that the Inland Wetlands Commission will review the application at their December 8th meeting.  Commission members may attend.  The meeting is open to the public.

Strategic Plan -  No report

Old Business

Municipal Development Plan – No report

Plan of Conservation and Development -  Mr. Sharpe distributed a strategy list that was submitted to the Board of Selectmen.  The Commissioners thanked Mr. Sharpe for his work on the plan.

Sandy Hook Streetscape Program – No report

Master Plan for Fairfield Hills Redevelopment – Mr. Humeston attended the meeting of the committee at which Ms. Stocker was asked her opinion of housing on the Fairfield Hills campus.  Ms. Stocker responded that it needs to be taken into consideration.  People want to live near amenities.  Mr. Humeston does not feel housing is being actively considered by the committee.

New Business

Mr. Kreinik reported that there is a proposed regional economic development plan being discussed by the members of the Housatonic Valley Council of Elected Officials.  After discussion, Mr. Humeston moved that Newtown align with the Danbury Region for regional economic development.  Motion seconded.  Unanimously carried.

After a review of the Commission’s 2011 Meeting Schedule, Mr. Sharpe moved to approve the meeting schedule for 2011 as presented.  Motion seconded.  Unanimously carried.

Mr. Humeston moved to enter executive session to discuss a personnel issue.  Motion seconded  Unanimously carried.  Meeting entered executive session at 8:55 p.m. and returned to open session at 9:20 p.m.

Mr. Kreinik distributed a copy of the proposed budget for the Commission for 2011-2012.  After discussion, Mr.Thompson moved to submit $117,815 as the budget for the Commission.  Motion seconded.  Unanimously carried.


Mr. Kreinik reported that new officers will be needed.  Mr. Kreinik and Mr. Morey will have their terms expire in January.
The next meeting of the Commission will be on Tuesday, December 14th to avoid holding a meeting too close to the holidays.
There being no further business, Mr. Humeston moved to adjourn at 9:30 pm.  Motion seconded.  Unanimously carried.

Mary Kelley, Clerk